Oregon Institute of Technology
2015 - 2020
I earned a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering at Oregon Institute of Technology. During my time at OIT I also pursued several extracurricular programs, mainly the AUVSI robotics club and the Social Dance club. I held club officer positions in both clubs during my education , often holding officer positions in multiple clubs at a time. Clubs were no the only activities I pursued while attending OIT; I also attended several school sponsored outdoor trips, built an electric motorcycle, and took classes in tai chi, ice skating, and ballroom dancing.
La Grande High School
My high school career was at La Grande High School where I played trombone in the competitive symphonic, jazz, and marching bands, and singing in the acapella choir. Some awards these groups won while I was in them include second place in the OSAA 4A choir division and 5th place in the OSAA 4A band division.